The International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF) will be held at the Town & Country Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA , from Sunday afternoon, April 26, through Friday, May 1.
The International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF) is recognized as the premier international conference on thin film deposition, characterization, and advanced surface engineering. It provides a forum and networking venue for scientists, engineers, and technologists from academia, government laboratories, and industry. Attendees from all over the world come to present their findings, exchange ideas, share insights, make new friends, and renew old acquaintances. The Conference typically draws more than 800 attendees, covering more than 50 oral technical sessions and a well-attended Thursday evening poster session.
Technical Symposia
B. Hard Coatings and Vapor Deposition Technologies
C. Fundamentals and Technology of Multifunctional Materials and Devices
D. Coatings for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications
E. Tribology and Mechanical Behavior of Coatings and Engineered Surfaces
F. New Horizons in Coatings and Thin Films
G. Surface Engineering – Applied Research and Industrial Applications
H. Advanced Characterization Techniques for Coatings, Thin Films, and Small Volumes
Topical Symposia
TS2. New Horizons in Boron-Containing Coatings: Modeling, Synthesis and Applications
TS3. In-silico Design of Novel Materials by Quantum Mechanics and Classical Methods (jointly sponsored by ICMCTF and AQS)
TS4. Photocatalytic and Superhydrophilic Surfaces
TS5. Thin Films on Polymer Substrates: Flexible Electronics and Beyond
Program Chair

Grzegorz (Greg) Greczynski
Linköping University, Sweden
General Chair

Christopher Muratore
University of Dayton, USA
Key Dates
Call for Abstracts
Presentation & Poster