Aharon Inspektor
Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Course Objectives
Provide guidance and technical tools for the development of hard and superhard coatings with a desired combination of microstructure, hardness and thermo-chemical stability.
To reach this objective we will concentrate on the following topics:
- The nature of hardness and the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic super-hardness.
- Microstructure and design of multi-functional hard & superhard coatings.
- PVD technology and nanoscale–engineering of the coating.
Course Description
Motivation: Most modern manufacturers include hard and superhard coatings in the design of new products. This manufacturing step is set to improve the performance of the products and to ensure competitive advantage in global markets. Not surprisingly the development of such coatings is among top priorities in many academic and industrial research laboratories, and the subject of this course.
Course Content
- The nature of hardness and principles of coating design:
First, we will review the atomic origin of hardness and learn how the information on electron bonding and crystalline microstructure is used to model the hardness of intrinsically superhard materials. Next, we will ask why the measured hardness of other materials is usually lower than their calculated values. This understanding will help us to discuss extrinsic super-hardness and the role of nano-scale engineering in the design and construction of superhard coatings. Then, we will examine typical nanostructured superhard coatings and identify the key steps for design of superhard coatings with target combinations of microstructure, hardness, and thermo-chemical stability. - Tools for the deposition of multi-functional superhard coatings:
To build the target coating we need to understand the PVD technology and control the deposition process: To reach these objectives, we will examine key PVD systems, review the plasma state and discuss the process of nano engineering and deposition of the film:
The deposition system; PVD technology: Cathodic arc; reactive magnetron sputtering and HiPIMS.
The deposition process: Plasma state (Te, Ti, plasma potential, Debye length); plasma-surface interaction (plasma sheath and ion bombardment); Plasma diagnostics (Langmuir probes, OES, M. Sp).
Nano-engineering of the coating: System set-up and controlled deposition of the target film. - The course will be illustrated with relevant case studies and industrial applications:
Selected PVD nanolayer and nanocomposite coatings; CVD diamond and PVD DLC coating; High Entropy Alloys (HEA) coatings and 2D Van-der-Waals films.
Who should attend?
Engineers, scientists, students and managers that are involved with the development of new coatings and seek good understanding of material hardness, PVD technologies and
design of multi-functional coatings.
Course Materials
Detailed course notes will be provided.
Date/Time: Monday, April 27, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Cost: $500 Regular/$130 Student